Building a Solid Foundation


A lot of people make the mistake of letting their dogs get away with things because they're cute when they're young. Actions like jumping on people or getting on the table can quickly become a problem that was rewarded early on, and therefore difficult to fix.
As rude as it may sound, your puppy isn't as fragile as you think. Sure, you shouldn't yell at them, but being young gives them a quicker recovery and a faster ability to adapt as opposed to later in life. This is why it's so important to train your dog early on and get them on the right path.


Basic commands like coming when called or sitting should be at the top of your priority list. Once introduced try incorporating them into daily life. If your puppy jumps on you for a treat, only give it to them once they sit. If your pet is going somewhere they shouldn't, call them over to you before you decide to hunt them down to yell at them.
One thing I trained with Kazoo was 'drop it', because she loved stealing objects. Then I realized I could make better use of the command and switched to 'can I have that' to which she would bring me the object. I also realized that since she would just pick the object back up once she was rewarded.

Groom them in Grooming

A puppy isn't born knowing what a bathtub or nail clipper is, and it is up to you to introduce them in a positive manner. If you're nervous because your puppy is trying to bite you over a brush, imagine that ordeal with an adult dog. It is important to enforce positive associations with treats, attention, and a calm atmosphere so that when it inevitable comes time to groom your dog, they will be okay with it.
Positive grooming association is extra important if you plan on taking your dog to get groomed by a professional. Collies require upkeep for their long coats and if you don't want to groom them because they fight you, I don't think the groomer would be thrilled to groom them either.


Your puppy may not be fully vaccinated, but that doesn't mean that they can't socialize. Slowly introduce them to your family, relatives, vaccinated dogs and other pets. Make sure to enforce positive interactions and monitor animal introductions closely.
Another part of socialization that I feel people forget about is environments. Different places have different sights, smells and noises that can overwhelm and impact a puppy. In your home you can introduce your puppy to new objects, noises and textures. Play music, weather, and firework noises. See what they think about a different color bowl or what they do about a spoon. Try walking on cardboard or different carpets.
There are also ways to take dogs out before they're vaccinated. You can get a carrier or stroller and walk them in the park or a pet friendly store. You can also get used to your car and sit in your driveway or parking lots observing people with your windows down.

If you don't want an adult dog to do it, don't let your puppy do it!

Keep in mind that puppies get bigger. When my brother's dog was little, he thought it was cute that she was so excited to see him she jumped all over him, now that she's 40 pounds with nails she won't let anybody groom it isn't cute anymore, but he can't stop it with the way things are currently going. If he were to discourage it when she was little, we wouldn't be having this problem at all.
While it is not impossible to retrain a dog, it could take a lot of training, including professional and behavioral training to get your dog to behave in the way you originally wanted. Chances are, if you were not willing to train your dog early on, you're going to have to settle with the fact that you now own a misbehaving dog. So, instead of settling try to catch issues early.